Land, soil, water are
the resources which belong to abiotic resources and are the most important
resources Whereas natural vegetation and wildlife resources come under biotic
resources. Either biotic or abiotic both type of resources are exhaustible in
nature. so judicial use of these resources has to be there for enhancing their
- Land is among the most important natural resources.
Land covers about 30% of the total area of the earth’s surface.
- Ninety percent of the world population occupies only
30% of the land area. The remaining 70% of land is either sparsely
populated or uninhabited.
- Land is unevenly inhabited due to various factors of
land and climate, water fertility of soil, etc.
- Normally the sparsely populated or uninhabited areas
are because of rugged topography, steep slopes of the mountains, low
-lying areas susceptible to water logging, deserted areas and thickly
forested areas.
- The densely populated areas of the world have plains,
river valleys which have suitable land for agriculture.
- The availability of rich and fertile land make it
suitable for living and a huge population resides on it.
- Mineral richness, water resources, fertility of soil
and good topographical conditions are important.
Land uses:
- Land use refers to the use of land for different
purpose such as agriculture, forestry, mining, building houses, roads and
setting up of industries.
- Factors affecting land use are of two kinds- Physical
factors and Human factors.
- Physical factors include topography, soil, climate and
availability of water. Human factors include population and technology.
- On the basis of ownership, land can be classified as
private and community land.
- Private land is owned by an individual or family
members and is used for personal purposes like house is a private land.
- Community land is owned by the community for common
uses and can be used by anyone in the society like collection of fodder,
fruits, nuts or medical herbs. These community lands are also called
common property resources.
- The demand for land by the people is growing but the
availability of land is limited.
- The vast changes in the land use pattern shows the
cultural changes in our society.
- Land degradation, landslides, soil erosion,
desertification are the major threats to the environment because of the
expansion of agriculture and construction activities.
- Fertile land is exploited more and leads to the
barrenness if not utilised judicialy.
- The over exploitation of mineral resources also make
the soil vulnerable to be degraded.
Conservation of Land Resources:
- Growing population and their ever-growing demand has
led to a large scale destruction of forest cover and arable land and has
created a fear of losing these natural resources.
- The present rate of degradation of land must be
- The common methods used to conserve land resources are
afforestation, land reclamation, regulated use of chemical pesticides and
fertilizers and checks on overgrazing.
- By making rules related to soil and land conservation
and by making the farmers educated regarding the negative aspects of
overgrazing and over utilization of fertilizers, the government can play
an active role to preserve the soil and land.
- Soil is the thin layer of grainy substance covering the
surface of the earth.
- Soil is made up of organic matter, minerals and
weathered rocks found on earth. It takes hundred of years to form few
centimeters of soil.
- Soil profile refers to the layered structure which
spreads from the parent rocks to the top soil surface.
- The four layers of soil profile are: 1st layer-Top soil
with humus and vegetation, 2nd layer-Sub soil with sand, silt and clay,
3rd layer-weathered rock material, 4th layer-Parent rock.
- In different geographic regions, different soils can be
- Various geo-climatic regions make the soil distinctions
and varied fertility of soil occurs.
- Different type of soils are suitable for particular
type of crops.
Factors of Soil Formation:
- The major factors of soil formation are the nature of
the parent rock and climatic factors.
- The other factors of soil formation are the topography,
role of organic material and time taken for composition of soil formation.
- Parent rock determines the color, texture, chemical
properties, minerals, content and permeability of the soil.
- Relief determines the altitude and slope and
accumulation of soil.
- Flora, fauna and micro-organism affect the rate of
humus formation in soil.
- Climate determines temperature and rainfall which
influence the rate of weathering and humus in process of soil formation.
- Time determines the thickness of soil profile. It takes
hundreds of years to make just on centimeter of soil.
- soil formation is not the result of only a single
factor mentioned above, in fact it is the mixture of all the geo-climatic
factors available.
- The presence of micro-organism also plays a very
important role in soil nutrient cycle and minerals balance.
Degradation of Soil and Conservation Measures
- The major threats to soil erosion and depletion.
- Human beings and natural factors are responsible for
degradation of soils.
- Deforestation, overgrazing, overuse of chemical fertilizers
or pesticides, rain water, landslides and floods are the factors which
leads to soil degradation.
- Soil conservation refers to the protection, efficient
use of soil and preservation of soil resources.
- Mulching is the method in which the bare ground between
plants is covered with a layer of organic matter like straw. It helps to
retain soil moisture.
- Contour barriers is the method in which stones, grass,
soil are used to build barriers along contours. Trenches are made in front
of them to collect water.
- In Terrace farming, broad flat steps or terraces are
made on the steep slopes, so that flat surfaces are available to grow
crops. It reduces the surface runoff and soil erosion.
- In inter-cropping, different crops are grown in
alternate rows and are sown at different times to protect the soil from
rain wash.
- Contour ploughing is the process of
ploughing parallel to the contours of a hill slope to form a natural
barrier to stop water from flowing down the slope.
- Shelter belts are the rows of trees planted to check
the wind movements to protect soil cover.
- Mixed farming and crop rotation are also some of the
methods to improve the fertility of soil.
- excessive use of fertilizers is also a cause of soil
degradation and leads to loss of fertility of soil.
- Use of high yield crop variety is also a major cause of
- Water is a vital renewable natural resources.
Three-fourths of the earth’s surface is covered with water. Therefore, it
is called ‘water planet.
- Ocean water is saline and not fit for human consumption
whereas fresh water accounts for only 2.7% of the total water available.
- Only 1% of this freshwater is available and fit for
human use and is found as ground water, rivers, lakes, etc.
- Fresh water is the most precious substance on earth. It
can neither be added nor subtracted from the earth.
- Water is used for agriculture, industries, generating
electricity through reservoirs of dams, etc.
- The major causes of water shortage are increasing
population, resign demands for food and cash crops, increasing
urbanization and rising standards of living.
- Water is available through the water cycle, which is a
constant movement from oceans to atmosphere and back to ocean through
- Misuse and over exploitation led to the scarcity of
water and judicial use by every individual is necessary.
- Government had water conservation laws and has made
laws against pollution of water. Proper implementation is need of the
Problem of Water Availability:
- There is water shortage in many regions of the world. It
may be a consequence of variation of seasonal or annual precipitation or
the scarcity is caused by over-exploitation and contamination of water
- Countries located in climatic zones are most
susceptible to droughts and face great problems of water scarcity.
- Global warming and high pace of industrialization also
leads to raise the concern against clean water availability.
Conservation of Water Resources:
- The major problem of today’s world is shortage of clean
and adequate water sources.
- Steps should be taken to conserve water.
- Water is a renewable resource, but its overuse and
pollution make it unfit for use.
- Sewage, agricultural chemicals and industrial waste
pollute the water with nitrates, metals and pesticides.
- Forest and other vegetation cover slow the surface
runoff and replenish underground water.
- Water harvesting method can also be used to save
surface runoff.
- Canals used for irrigation should be properly checked
for water losses through seepage and evaporation.
- Rain water harvesting is the process of collecting rain
water from roof tops and directing it to an appropriate location where it
is stored for future use.
- Recycling plants should be installed to conserve water
and to stop wastage.
- Better irrigattion facilities should be developed to conserve
Natural Vegetation and Wildlife:
- Natural vegetation and wildlife exist only in the
- The narrow zone of contact between the lithosphere,
hydrosphere and atmosphere is called biosphere.
- In the biosphere living beings are inter-related and
interdependent on each other for survival. This life supporting system is
known as the ecosystem.
- Plants provide us with timber, shelter to animals,
produce oxygen, protect soil for growing crops, act as shelter belts, give
us fruits and vegetables help in storage of underground water, etc.
- Wildlife includes animals, birds, insects and aquatic
life forms. They provide us milk, meat, hides and wool, help in
pollination of flowers, acts as decomposers in ecosystem, etc.
- Natural vegetation is a renewable resources but its
judicial use is must, if not utilized in proper manner it can lead to loss
of life and further more calamities.
- Wildlife and natural vegetation make a deep connection.
So preservation of both can be done simultaneously.
Distribution of Natural Vegetation:
- The growth of vegetation depends on temperature and
- Forests, grasslands, scrubs and tundra are the major
types of vegetation of the world.
- Forests are associated with areas having abundant water
supply. These areas have heavy rainfall and huge trees.
- Grasslands are areas having short stunted trees and
grasses grow in the regions of moderate rainfall. As the amount of
moisture decreases the size of trees and their density reduces.
- Thorny shrubs and scrubs grow in dry areas of low
rainfall. The plants of this region have deep roots and leaves with thorny
and waxy surface that helps reduce loss of moisture through transpiration.
- Tundra vegetation of cold Polar Regions comprise of
mosses and lichens.
- Evergreen and deciduous are the types of forests
depending upon when they shed their leaves.
- Trees of evergreen forests do not shed their leaves
simultaneously in any season of the year.
- Deciduous forests shed their leaves in a particular
season to conserve loss of moisture through transpiration.
- In India mostly Evergreen and Deciduous forest are
found which are the rich source of timber and forest produce.
- In Himalayan region of India mixed forest are found
according to their altitude. such as taiga, evergreen forest and deciduous
species are found.
Conservation of Natural Vegetation and Wildlife:
- Forests are our wealth.
- Plants give shelter to the animals and together they
maintain the ecosystem.
- Changes of climate and human interferences can cause
the loss of natural habitats for the plants and animals.
- Poaching is one of the major concerns which results in
a sharp decline in the number of particular species.
- The animals are poached for collection and illegal
trade of hides, skins, nails, teeth, horns and feathers.
- To protect our natural vegetation and wildlife,
national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves are made.
- Due to indiscriminate killings, several birds and
animals have either become extinct or are on the verge of extinction.
- Awareness programs like social forestry and
Van-Mahotsava should be encouraged at the regional and community level.
- It is the ethical duty of every citizen to conserve
plants and animals.
- Under Article 48A of the Indian constitution forest
conservation has made a directive principal.
- Inclusion of forest and environment in constitution
make the government of India liable to take the steps in this direction.
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